Thursday, January 12, 2012


January 12, 2012

Hello everyone,

Recently there haven not been any posts, and I apologize for that. As I mentioned previously, I've had a very important paper to take care of for school. It has taken up a lot of my time, and unfortunately, the blogs had to take a back seat for a while. Again, I'm very sorry for this. But, I am happy to say the paper is done, and I will be updating the blogs daily again. Originally, I set the deadline for my return on January 10, but the due date for the paper was pushed back. Now I will be returning on Tuesday, January 17. You may see some changes to the look of the blog, as I am looking to redesign it. In addition, I am also happy to announce that I will be making YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter pages for the blogs in the near future.

Again, I am deeply sorry for any inconvience I have caused over the last few weeks. I thank you for your patience.

- Nick

P.S. I wish the best of luck to Ryan Madson with the Cincinnati Reds.

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